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A Complete Look at the Value of Video Marketing

Aug 13, 2020

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Today, brands utilize video marketing as a strategic way to curate and share attractive video content on various online platforms. The underlying purpose of video marketing is to attain, retain, and convert a specific target audience into loyal viewers.

In fact, most businesses are gradually leaning forward towards strategic benefits and uses of video marketing. However, video marketing continues to grow faster than digital marketers often anticipate. Realistically, a brand’s video marketing strategy should cater to creative needs and trends of the current period to achieve business goals.

As much as video content views matter, it’s the marketing perspective or message of a video that defines your strategy. The last thing your business needs is a traditional video marketing approach that treats this essential digital marketing effort as a means to an end.

Ideally, your business should play around with the visual medium to explore more possibilities that could serve a better purpose for your entire digital marketing efforts. Here’s a complete outlook at the value of video marketing for businesses:

Why Video Marketing is Essential Part of Digital Marketing

Currently, video content has become an essential priority for digital marketers. In fact, digital marketers feel more optimistic about high ROI when it comes to video marketing. After all, video marketing has the power to significantly influence sales, leads, traffic, and even audience understanding.

More and more new and established brands are increasing their use of video marketing activities. Besides, online users want to watch more exciting videos than ever. It is remarkable as to how online consumers use video to navigate the entire portfolio of a brand effortlessly.

The Popularity and Growth of Video Marketing

People tend to spend endless hours watching new videos every day on social media platforms and websites. The truth is that video marketing can help brands grow beyond their preconceived potential. For instance, businesses can create and share videos on the YouTube platform to get the attention of individuals between 18-49 years old.

In fact, almost 65% of online users prefer to make the purchase decision after watching a video ad. Similarly, a single video can increase conversions to 80%. Mostly, online visitors prefer to spend more time on websites that contain interactive and insightful videos.

Video Marketing: What Can You Create?

There is a series of different videos you can create for your target market. So long as you are aware of your video marketing strategy and goals, the possibilities are endless. The focus of attention, however, is always the video itself.

Although you might be full of new great ideas to start your video marketing journey, it takes a lot of effort to build momentum and excitement to create consistent video content. Small and medium-sized businesses, for instance, often have a small video marketing budget that ironically renders the biggest positive impact.

Apart from target market parameters and the type of videos you can create, it is imperative to have a foundational understanding of videos. And that’s because how you create a particular video to promote a product can make all the difference.

For instance, an explainer video is an excellent way to showcase product portfolio or complex services. Similarly, culture videos are perfect to highlight the brand image. You can add a touch of unique perspective into all of your videos to attract more audience.

Similarly, you can create testimonials videos and support videos as part of your video marketing strategy. You can use modern tools to curate videos that will create more opportunities in the digital marketing realm.

Photo by CoWomen from Pexels

How does Video Marketing Ads Work?

The effectiveness of a video ad begins with your target audience. Ordinarily, video ads are not so different from a traditional marketing ad campaign. However, it is of utmost importance to know in advance what kind of video ad campaigns you want to execute.

Unlike traditional televised marketing, you don’t need millions of dollars of budget to create marketing videos. You just need to make sure to make marketing videos that are not outdated and appeal to your niche market.

Although there is no such thing as a “perfect” platform, it all starts with choosing a suitable video sharing platform. It is a place where you should be able to format and structure your video content without too much effort.

How a video ad can work for a specific product or service inherently depends on where most of your target users hang out. It could be a social media platform such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Conversely, it could also be a dedicated website where you could get users’ attention all at once.

With video ads, you can create brand awareness, analyze video ad campaigns’ impact, and revise strategic video marketing goals. On the other hand, you can create sponsored video content ad campaigns on multiple social media platforms or simply display them on your landing page.

Benefits and Reasons to Use Video Marketing

Attract More Online Customers

The top reason and benefit of using video marketing is how it allows businesses to attract a wide array of targeted customers. From eCommerce to the health sector, video content has become a prolific way for businesses to grow popularity and follow trends. Despite the saturated online market, companies can manage to get the attention of consumers.

Online Videos Represent Perfect Visual Medium 

Every business competes with another business to offer the best value-oriented service or product to consumers. Videos can be creative enough to provide something new to consumers each time. It can even reshape your brand image and highlight distinct selling points without spending too much time. Besides, there are more than enough visual tactics to create visually attractive videos.

Social Media Integration

With social media integration of video content on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, businesses can attract a bevy of consumers. After integration, brands often use different tools to make short-form or long-form videos more navigational and attractive to online visitors. In fact, videos go viral through social media integration and spark a wave of conversation around a specific product or service. 

Inform Your New Customers

Although written content serves its purpose, businesses have learned to use video content to educate and persuade new customers. Furthermore, videos can present the same written information in a compressed explainer video format and use stylized graphics to get the everyday consumer’s attention.

Describe the Story of Your Company

One of the main reasons and benefits of using video content is to describe a company’s story through explainer videos. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be an explainer video; brands often avail professional filmmakers’ services to shoot visually awe-inspiring videos to improve their brand image.

In essence, it creates a value proposition and improves the company’s level of communication with their customers. With limited resources, businesses can still craft heartwarming video content to reach more audiences.

Photo by Skitterphoto

You Can Build Your Next Video Marketing Strategy

Businesses from varied industries should view the video marketing strategy as a vehicle to convey intended messages. In fact, before you begin a video marketing strategy, establish the primary objectives that summarize your overall digital marketing efforts.

And these goals should not separate; you should be able to align these video marketing strategic goals. The trick is to concentrate on your video content’s essence that ultimately shapes up your audience’s perception. It is how you will achieve success through your next video marketing strategy.

It may come across as time-consuming for startup businesses, but it takes minimal effort to figure out video analytics and compare relevant metrics. The spotlight of your video marketing strategy should be to avoid confusing details. For example, you can set up your video marketing strategy the same as you would set SMART goals.

Principles of SMART goals include:

  • Specific 
  • Measurable 
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-oriented

Your video marketing strategy must be structured to indulge in more creative activities without the excessive burden of other digital marketing responsibilities. In fact, you can prioritize it as one of the crucial components of your video marketing plan.

Consequently, you will have more time to spend on video analysis and testing. Furthermore, you can also replicate certain elements of another video marketing strategy that is perfect for your brand.

Social Media Integration: Video Marketing is All About Sharing

Creating a social media video strategy revolves around your consistency to share exciting new videos. However, if you want to take your social media engagement game to another level, you can prioritize one specific social media platform.

Ordinarily, Instagram and Facebook users tend to watch videos on auto-play, whereas Twitter is more suitable to post teaser videos. However, YouTube is a broader channel to post entire video content to audiences that want insightful information or entertainment. Nonetheless, don’t forget to take into account your main target audience before going all-in on a single platform.

Video Marketing Can Also Improve Your Recruitment Marketing Efforts

It is true – video content can drive recruitment branding and marketing efforts for a business. With video job placements, employers get 35% more applications than the traditional style ad placements. After all, video is a powerful tool that resonates with the aspiring candidates who react to the visual medium format more quickly than the written words.

Companies can use video content to speed up various recruitment activities like onboarding, and not be limited just to basic job video ads. Businesses can create employee testimonials and invigorate recruitment videos that would appeal to your industry talent.

For instance, employee testimonials can focus on compelling stories that shape up talented individuals’ professional and personal lives. It would inspire job seekers to be part of a more inclusive organizational culture and showcase their own skills too.

Conversely, businesses can also create short-form career videos that would involve creative teams talking about their positions with a slight touch of humor. These videos can be entertaining and informative at the same time. For instance, several companies also live-stream videos on their YouTube channels, Instagram Stories, or Facebook Live to connect with talented applicants in real-time.

Learn to Analyze Video Marketing Analytics and Ensure Success

Video marketing becomes a powerful tool when people form teams to make something special. There are video marketing automation applications that can do most of the heavy lifting for your videos. As a result, you will be able to get more leads from shared videos automatically.

In fact, the analytical data contains precious information that can help you understand your online audience’s dynamics. You can use the video marketing analytics data to assign or segment leads. In hindsight, in-depth video marketing analytics allows you to get the hang of your consumer acquisition funnel.

Consequently, you can decide which videos would lead to most conversions. Simultaneously, you can use video marketing analytics to spot the inconsistencies throughout your video ad campaigns. In fact, you can see the step-by-step process as to when you had more visitors and exactly where your visitors left.

Video marketing analytics don’t necessarily have to be robotic. With a human touch, you can contextualize the numeric data and identify a pattern that could create compelling results. Ultimately, your goal should be to convert and nurture more leads in a short period.

Once your crafted videos are online, and views start to count, you should have an efficient video analytical model to analyze all the results. You will be surprised how much improvement you can add throughout your video marketing strategy and avoid losses.

Photo by from Pexels

Key Video Marketing Tools

Now that you understand the importance of analytics, it is time to move on to the main video marketing tools. You can use the following tools to share a wide array of video content. You can also analyze various video analytical results that will help you paint the entire picture.

Essentially, most video marketing tools aim to move beyond just foundational video tactics to share and analyze content. Video marketing tools have become synonymous as engagement tools. Here are renowned and popular video marketing platforms and tools:


When it comes to hosting platforms, YouTube is undeniably the first name that comes to one’s mind. However, many prestigious and new brands use the Vimeo platform to deliver videos to a diverse target market. Unlike YouTube, you can customize your videos that suit your brand. Furthermore, you can use Vimeo branding, remove ads, and maintain your entire video content’s professional outlook.


By providing the tools and content to create and customize premium video clips, Promo aims to help users with the promotion of their business across social media platforms, as well as create campaigns to boost engagement, reduce cost-per-click, increase traffic, build brand awareness, or promote a product.


It is more of a video marketing suite that helps businesses customize, analyze, and integrate attractive graphics into the hosted videos. It is arguably the most straightforward video hosting platforms available to small businesses.


It is one of the most effective tools to create personal and professional brand-conscious videos. You can think of it as an alternative to Adobe Premiere, but with all the online functions and reasonable cost.


It allows brands to create new concepts for social media content videos. It transforms your basic concepts to a professional level that makes your videos look fancy and elegant at the same time. You can use a multitude of transitions and added graphics to customize videos.  


You can use TubeBuddy to conduct an in-depth SEO analysis of your video content. You can check traffic flow, targeted keywords, carry out competitor research, schedule video posting time, and create video thumbnails.

Animatron and Doodly

If you want to try something different using animation or doodle videos, Animatron and Doodly respectively are ideal for creating online whiteboard videos, explainer videos, social media video and, with Animatron, even HTML5 animations.


You can host your video content in a specific format and style on Publitio. It is a video hosting platform that allows businesses and individuals to process and deliver images, audio, or video files for mobile or web.

Adobe Spark

If you are on a tight budget and still want optimized videos, Adobe Spark might just be for you. It allows you to create free slideshow videos, short Instagram posts, Facebook Posts, and video storyboards.

With numerous video marketing tools, you can build an authority over your video content. Practically, most of the tools can help your online communities learn more about your products or services.

Video marketing trends continue to evolve with each passing year. Here are the top video marketing trends that are relevant for 2020 and beyond:

Personalized Videos

Although personalization is not a new trend for video content, it is undeniably something that digital marketers take more seriously than ever. The quest to achieve perfection never ends for video content curators. Naturally, businesses want to create videos that are interactive and create engagement in a personalized manner.

Vertical Videos

The popularity of vertical videos has largely to do with Instagram and Snapchat. Interestingly, YouTube and Facebook also offer vertical format videos on their famous platforms.

Ultra-Short Video Ads

It is the trend that may become the standard in the foreseeable future. Ultra-short video ads have become the format that manages to capture the attention of the audience in the shortest possible time. Specifically, the trend is growing more for mobile video ads that are shorter and faster than long-form video ads.

SEO and Google Friendly Videos

Google’s algorithm and SEO standards continue to evolve for video marketing. And this trend will offer more opportunities for businesses to have better compatibility on multiple operating systems (i.e., Android or iOS). There are great benefits for businesses having search engine optimized video content, such as ranking higher on Google search results.

More Instagram and Facebook Video Ads

For most brands across the globe, this trend has been consistent for almost five straight years. And why wouldn’t it be? Digital marketers find it valuable to attract valuable customers through flawless ad placement on Facebook and Instagram platforms. It is also a great way to compete with other brands that may have a similar video marketing strategy on Instagram and Facebook.

Higher Video Value

With countless video applications and tools, digital marketers and brands need to maximize their value generation from video content. Whether a business chooses a short-form or long-form video ads, it should be able to re-edit and present the video ads that would appeal to the audience. Sure, you cannot anticipate the audience’s exact reaction, but the success ratio of the video content is always high.

Hive Art Media: Reserve the Success for Your Company

At Hive Art Media, we advocate for the strong video marketing principles that help businesses set a new precedent. Our collective expertise allows us to offer the most suitable video marketing services. We tend to question “why”, “what”, and “how” of each video marketing ad campaign. 

Hive Art Media believes in transformative video marketing initiatives that can guarantee strategic success to businesses. We know how to use various video curation tools, integrate analytical applications, conduct objective self-assessment, and create professional videos to attain and retain more viewers.


There are more tools and social media options than ever to share your video content. In fact, brands are creating and sharing videos to become savvier in the eyes of the viewers. It has been a decade long journey for video marketing to become an essential digital marketing strategy.

The right video content at the right time can garner the attraction of your target market and help you achieve your long-term goals faster. It’s a new and ever-changing digital world where video trends can change the digital marketing strategy.

It is no hidden secret that video content can increase conversions, engagement ratio, customer experience, and brand loyalty altogether. And with new technological advancements on the horizon, it makes sense to avail the benefits and uses of video marketing to reach new heights of success.You can follow us and learn more about our video marketing services that can help your business achieve growth.


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